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7 resultado(s) encontrado(s) para Nativescript em 0.041 segundos

nativescript unrecognized option static libtool

Erro ao instalar Nativescript no Mas OS node v0.12.4 LIBTOOL-STATIC Release/libffi.a libtool: unrecognized option `-static' libtool: Try `libtool --help' for more information. make: *** [Release/libffi.a] Error 1 Solução export

NativeScript - transparent modal

Para habilitar transparência em um modal usando nativescript, no módulo page.ios.js, altere o método _showNativeModalView da seguinte maneira: As seguintes linhas      page.ios.js -> _showNativeModalView _super.prototype._raiseShowingModallyEvent

Native Script + Mobile Mind Plugins

Configurações dos plugins: NativeScript Google Maps https://github.com/mobilemindtec/nativescript-google-maps-sdk NativeScript Facebook https://github.com/mobilemindtec/nativescript-facebook NativeScript Google Plus (Google Login) https://github.com/mobilemindtec/nativescript-google

NativeScript Archive IOS

Only run tns prepare ios --release

NativeScript IOS prepare, build, run and release

List provision profiles tns build ios --provision Prepare to provision profile tns prepare ios --provision profile-uuid Run with provision profile tns run ios --provision profile-uuid Bundle release IOS tns build ios --bundle --re

Failed to verify bitcode in TNSWidgets.framework/TNSWidgets

Error Nativescript 4 Failed to verify bitcode in TNSWidgets.framework/TNSWidgets Solution in xcode File -> Workspace Settings -> Build System -> Legacy Build System

Nativescript + Android 9 Nougat + http failure response for url 0 unknown error

Error HTTP request on Android 9 Nougat: http failure response for url 0 unknown error Fix: In AndroidManifest.xml set usesCleartextTraffic = true on application element: <application android:name="com.tns.NativeScriptApplication"